Indonesian students are going to compete in the world's biggest science championship, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) 2011 in Los Angeles, United States, 8-13 May, 2011. Approximately 1,500 students from more than 60 countries are going to present their shopisticated research and discovery in this event. The winners will receive scholarships and awards from Intel Foundation.
Indonesian delegation consists of 6 students are going to present their expertise in the field of social science, engineering, and nature. The six students are Pebrian and Alanikika Pratyaksa from SMAN 1 Malingping, Yan Restu Freski and Darmadi from Taman Pintar Yogyakarta, and Andrey Irawan Halim and Reyner Jong from SMA Santa Laurensia. They departed for United States today, Saturday, May 7, 2011.
The team is divided into three groups. Each group are going to present their research with the topic 30 Hari Menjadi Anak Nelayan: Studi Kehidupan Sosial Budaya dan Ekonomi dari Keluarga Nelayan di Muara Binangun, Wanassalam, Lebak, Banten (literally means "30 Days Being Little Fishermen: Studi of Cultural, Social, and Economic Life of Fishermen Families in Muara Binangun, Wanassalam, Lebak, Banten"), Hilir Sungai Opak (literally means "Downstream of Opak River: Unique Deflection"), and Bambu sebagai Bahan Bangunan (literally means "Bamboo as Building Material"). Hopefully, the Indonesian team will be able to present their research well and come out as champions.
Indonesian delegation consists of 6 students are going to present their expertise in the field of social science, engineering, and nature. The six students are Pebrian and Alanikika Pratyaksa from SMAN 1 Malingping, Yan Restu Freski and Darmadi from Taman Pintar Yogyakarta, and Andrey Irawan Halim and Reyner Jong from SMA Santa Laurensia. They departed for United States today, Saturday, May 7, 2011.
The team is divided into three groups. Each group are going to present their research with the topic 30 Hari Menjadi Anak Nelayan: Studi Kehidupan Sosial Budaya dan Ekonomi dari Keluarga Nelayan di Muara Binangun, Wanassalam, Lebak, Banten (literally means "30 Days Being Little Fishermen: Studi of Cultural, Social, and Economic Life of Fishermen Families in Muara Binangun, Wanassalam, Lebak, Banten"), Hilir Sungai Opak (literally means "Downstream of Opak River: Unique Deflection"), and Bambu sebagai Bahan Bangunan (literally means "Bamboo as Building Material"). Hopefully, the Indonesian team will be able to present their research well and come out as champions.
Picture - Original picture here.
Post -, May 6, 2011.
2:33 PM | 0
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