Nowadays, Kelompok Tani Maju (farming group) in Tulangbawang Barat, have succeeded in producing organic rice as much as 500 kilograms per month. Rice is packed in bags weighing 10 kilograms.
“Organic rice species developed by our group are pandan wangi and rojo lele. Usually we market the product in person in Metro and Bandar Lampung area,” said Edhi, a farmer from the group.
Edhi and his farming group also plans to propose cooperation with the corporation or company to attract a wider market. “We will propose cooperation with Telkom. They expressed interest in organic rice, "said Edhi.
With members totaling 30 people and land area of 20 hectares, Kelompok Tani Maju do not stop trying to develop organic crops other than rice. "We are developing organic fruits and vegetables as well," said Edhi.
About the price that is relatively more expensive, Edhi said that it’s because farmers are still find difficulties post-harvest product processing and marketing. If the future of organic farmers and their production are increasing, he believes the selling price of organic products can be cheaper. "Prices can go down and could be cheaper than the price of inorganic rice, '" he said.
To help the marketing of organic rice, Yabima (Yayasan Bimbingan Mandiri) plans to launch the Organic Rice Lovers Community (Komunitas Pecinta Beras Organik - KPBO). The community consists of people with various professions, such as doctors, religious leaders, teachers, and others. "This is our purpose to spread the benefits of eating organic rice," said Yanti, one of the instigators of Yabima.
About the price of organic rice that is now above the average price of inorganic rice, it is because one a few farmers produce organic rice. She said that Yabima also plans to continue expanding producers of organic rice. "Hopefully, the selling price of organic rice will be the same or cheaper than inorganic rice. But, with better quality," she added.
Marketing and promotion will also be carried out through Facebook, websites, as well as meetings with customers.
Picture - Original picture here. Post - Tribun Lampung, April 24, 2011.